Reflection 2

•July 23, 2009 • Leave a Comment

I like to write about the history and how the past can affect the future. I feel if we as individuals and countries do not learn from our past mistakes we are doomed to repeat them and have repeated. History teaches us that our past whether be political ,war , hatred ,famine, disease can affect us if we do not strive to prevent them from happening in future generations. Our young generation from all counties should learn from the holocaust ,the  evil killings of 6 million Jews in Germany and other desirables during world war 2. But yet today 60 years later there are still genocide in other countries like in Rwanda, and past conflicts in Bosnia. I like to write about history that it tells us that even slavery still exist in some parts of this world. History has taught us that a virus  can kill millions of people and new ones can spring  up at anytime in the world. Counties around the world in our history have declared wars on each other that have destroyed and killed hundreds of millions of people around the world. Political leaders should learn from there past historical mistakes and prevent conflicts to become the end result of war because we all lose in the end. I like to write about a famous person that had a major influence in our culture around the world. A person like Martin Luther king a civil rights leader who marched and fought for the equality for African Americans. I like to write about history of how the challenges of going to space and the obstacles of how man faced his failures and never gave up to go to the moon. I like to write about throughout history how the world has changed from generation to generation.

Weblog 4

•July 21, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Professor Stanley Fish claims that Millions of high school and college students graduate each year with poor writing skills. I do argue for Fish claims because I have found surveys and facts that support fish claims. High school students need the support of teachers to succeed in college and the business to have good reading and writing skills.

A national survey shows that writing skills are most important to college teachers and not always emphasized in high school instruction. A large number of college students of there first year of college need remedial help with writing skills. High school teachers are teaching there students the basic writing skills and not emphasizing what a college freshman should already know when beginning college courses. The act survey says out of six writing skills, grammar and usage rank in importance at the high school level, where they receive the least instructions attention in class. In a 2003 report by George a Clowes, he writes that to many students flunk writing. He writes most fourth grade students spend less than three hours a week writing which is about the same time they are watching television. Nearly 66 percent of high school seniors do not write a three page paper as often as once for there English teachers. Three quarters of high school seniors never receive a writing assignment in history or social studies. Today high school student need the fundamental writing skills to enter college level work. Universities and colleges need to have more emphasis with high school teachers to teach students nation wide the skills necessary to enter colleges. The best way to prepare high school students for college level work is to monitor there progress and help them strengthen writing skills over time.

Weblog 3

•July 9, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Harold Bloom age 73, is an American literary critic and author that argues that the appreciation for good literature is declining in this country. Harold Bloom wrote in the column for the los angeles times that our society and our literature and our culture are being dumbed down, and the causes are very complex. In some ways I have to agree and disagree with Mr. bloom. With the rise of technology over the last 50 years, the invention of computers ,videogames and ipods have given our younger generation distraction from reading good literature. Electronic portables like cell phones and game devices take away a teenage interest compared to reading books in the past during blooms generation. But with the popularly of Harry potter by J.K. Rowling books give our younger generation more inspiration to read more than ever. Children today have been more interested in literature and other writers of the past and present. Book stores and libraries across the county are filled with the younger, middle and older generation of people today. Mr. Bloom grew up in the depression era where literature was the entertainment of his time. He’s love of literature inspired him to become a renowned world writer and critic. Just like a child who reads Harry potter can one day be a great writer and critic of his or her generation. I cannot prove that Americans are becoming less cultured because it would be impossible to. We as individuals have different taste, beliefs and ideas that defines us what we love and appreciate what we read and write about. William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in his era. Tom Sawyer wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Stephen king wrote salems lot and J.K Rowling wrote Harry Potter. In conclusion there have been many different writers who wrote in different times throughout generations that have inspired other great writers and readers including me.

Reflection 1

•July 7, 2009 • Leave a Comment

I draw to bring my imagination to life. I draw to discover my creativity. I draw to capture my spirituality on paper. I draw to bring an animated character to life. I draw to capture a moment in time. I draw to create a fantasy world. I draw to bring a smile to ones face. I draw to fill on paper a person portrait. I draw to discover new ideas. I draw to release stress from a hard days work. I draw to copy a beautiful landscape on paper. I draw to fill different colors to put in a rhythmic pattern. I draw to fill designs across my paper. I draw to bring life on paper. I draw to bring perspective on paper eyes far as the eye can see. I draw to bring my style on paper. I draw like to birds, clouds, planes, people and buildings. I draw to learn from the great masters of the past. I draw to create new ways to do my art. I draw to fulfill my passion for the love of art. I draw to strengthen my mind. I draw to create a picture of despair, happiness and love. I draw to bring an image of mystery and fascination to my art. I draw to practice my skills. I draw to draw in different types of media. I draw in charcoal, pen, crayon, colored and graphite pencils. I draw to teach other how to draw. I draw to create new and exciting cartoons. I draw to make new and fun ways to draw exciting ideas. I draw to produce visually images to tell a story within a drawing. I draw to make people think, cry, get angry and be sad. I draw to make a viewer see the world in a new light. I draw to inspire , encourage and appreciate the love of art.

Weblog 2

•June 9, 2009 • Leave a Comment

A cold winter night

It was a cold winter night in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. The weather man broadcasted temperatures would be in the low thirties that day. My job title was a night monitor in which I managed the men in the transient homeless program and supervised volunteers. I worked at the salvation army, a homeless shelter for transitional and transient men for temporary stay. I had been at salvation army for 4 years know and often in the cold winter months it would be the most active time. The shelter was a one large red building that housed up to 60 men. The shelter is a complex building with a large bedrooms on the left and right at the end with hallways leading up to the kitchen and cafeteria area. My office was in the middle where the I would check in men for the night. I worked the evening shift and during that time and I would serve dinner and have the men fill out forms with proper identification so they can stay up to 3 nights. But bad weather days it would be a free night. As the evening went on I was up to my maximum of 100 men on a cold night. I had men sleeping in the kitchen area with floor mats and blankets. I had went outside for a break and felt in an instant it was a bone chilling cold night with wind gust that could freeze your blood. More men came to the shelter needing food and a place to stay. A local church organization called and asked me could I take 25 men in for the night. The union mission another shelter that was full called and ask can I house more men in for the night. I was being overwhelmed with so many people at one time. I felt at this time I couldn’t take any more in because the building was getting to crowded and I would put peoples lives at risk. At the same time a drunken man had slipped in the building was being a nuisance to the others. I had told him that he had to be quite or leave the building. I was also being constantly being asked for food. The men who came late was hungry and needed showers. I tried to accommodate the men with towels and soap as best as I could. I fed the rest of the men with pizza that was stored in the kitchen freezer. I had to call the police for the drunken man because he continued to be rude and hostile to me and others. The shelter director had called me to check on things. I explained the situation to him and he told me to do the best that I could. I continued to check the men in for the night and I did a head check where over 250 men where in the shelter. More came and I fed and did what I could do to keep them from the cold. The weather update came on the television and said there would be snow flurries with wind temperatures dropping in some areas. I knew I was over my limit and taking a risk but I could not turn anyone away during a cold winters night.

Weblog 1

•May 28, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Living in the digital age or the information highway you may call it has been a fun and challenging time in this generation. We can download music, movies, pictures and emails in a matter of minutes at our fingertips. When I was in high school in my junior year, the birth of the internet was just beginning. My teacher at that time told the me that internet technology will be the wave of the new future. I can say I did not take her seriously to what she was saying at that time. But over the years I have gradually become adapted to the digital age. When I was in my teenage years I love music and bought the latest walkman . Today I buy the latest mp3 player which I download music to my ipod touch daily. Whether you like it or not the digital explosion is here to stay. The young generation of today are born and raised in the digital age and are learning fast to transfer information quickly to their friends and family. With the invention and modification of the cell phone over the years our generation can text ,email ,video each other in seconds. The internet has a wealth of information, transferring of funds and exchanges daily. The digital age is all around us and it is hard to escape it. To cable tv to going to your atm to transfer or withdraw money we are all affected by the digital age. The older generation has a hard time accepting the new technology from the traditional standards that they are so use to dealing with in there daily lives. My grandmother 86 years old still uses her traditional type writer. But she recently bought a cell phone and is learning how to use it. Whether you like it or not digital technology will change and future generations will have to either accept it or be forced to. Electronics like cell phones, mp3 players, computers ,automobiles and home appliances will be affected with digital age and will better our daily lives for futures to come.

Hello fellow tcc students

•May 21, 2009 • Leave a Comment

My name is William Spence I am attending TCC majoring a career in the medical field. I am a fulltime worker as a cna at the veterans hospital in Hampton, Va. My goals in life is to become a nurse practitioner. I am a native of Norfolk, Va. and i have been in the army and have traveled the world, working with and for my fellow veterans is a challenging and rewarding profession to be in. I am continuing my education to help and educate others in the nursing professions.